About Us

Supporting Positive Social Change

Positive Social Change is our 'why', that's why 100% of Her Platform profits are invested in funding primary prevention work within our communities to break the cycle of violence and de-stigmatise mental health concerns.

Where to from here?

Primary prevention work complements responsive work. It aims to prevent violence from occurring by addressing risk factors and drivers of violence before it starts. Primary prevention helps shift social attitudes, behaviours and systems that may tolerate, justify or excuse violence.

For us, this will look like:

  • Creating new resources.
  • Getting out into our community more and talking about domestic and family violence and mental health.
  • Spreading more positive social messaging.
  • Finding more allies within all generations. 
  • Collaborating with other organisations and individuals.
  • Continuing to train corporate and community organisations to respond to DFV and mental health in the workplace and in our communities.

For other ways you can help support, visit www.centreforwomen.org.au/donations.
